I don't even know what to say, this is so bad it's great! xD
I can't stop watching it for years!
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I don't even know what to say, this is so bad it's great! xD
I can't stop watching it for years!
hahahahaha oh god xD
Even though they were all good, number 20 alone is worth watching this, and when I though it was already over and I just had to press the "replay" button, the scene with the mushroom started... nice x)
yea, I Ac Tually think that would be pre tty awe some too, as long as he/she didn't use those wea pons on her emp loy ees.
go easy on your space key dude, hahaha
lololololol -999999999999999999999999999999999999 9999999999999999999999999999999999999 9 HP xD
great one, and middle finger for all of those who didnt get the game =)
great one ;)
can someone...
Make like a walkthrough on how to LOSE?! I cant seem to, when I read that you can lose I was like, ok wtf how do I do it? xD
anyways.... yea I must know ._.
great "game" dude ;D... or dudette... no offence though
it's easier to play I Wanna Be The Guy!
This brings me feelings....
Very deep feelings indeed, I used to hear this to cheer me up when I couldnt get the girl I wanted, I felt it now again kinda, even though she now has a boyfriend and I got over it :D
Not bad actually
Nice one, you gotta use it on your projects ;)
I just might :p
Joined on 12/1/08